Daily, Resep

Recipe: Grilled Mackarel

Bismillaahirrohmaanirrohiim, Ingredients: 500gr mackerel fish 8-9 tbsp light soy sauce2 tbsp sesame oil1 tsp  white pepper powder½ tsp sesame seedsOil for cooking Steps: Mix all seasonings except fish and oil. Apply the mixture on the fish. Let it sit while heating up a pan in medium heat and little cooking oil.Once the pan is hot enough,… Continue reading Recipe: Grilled Mackarel

Daily, Resep

Recipe: Kimchi Jjigae

Bismillaahirrohmaanirrohiim, Bahan: 1.8 l air1 lembar seaweed1 genggam ikan bilis100 gr paha ayam100 gr tahu putih, potong lebar3 buah wortel sedang, potong dadu1 bawang bombay, iris tipis2 sdm kecap asin1 sdm minyak wijen1 sdt cabe merah bubuk1 sdm chilli sauce (siracan)1 sdm tomato paste1-2 lbr kimchi1 butir telur, kocok lepasMinyak u menumisGaram secukupnya Langkah: Rebus… Continue reading Recipe: Kimchi Jjigae

Daily, Resep

Recipe: Beef Bulgogi

Bismillaahirrohmaanirrohiim, Ingredients: 500gr minced beef1 medium brown onion1 stick leek, sliced50gr green beans, cut to 3-4 cm2 medium carrots, stick like cut2 tbsp sesame oil½ tbsp sesame seedsSpring onions2 tbsp cooking oil Marination: 7-8 tbsp light soy sauce2.5 tbsp brown sugar2 tbsp sushi vinegar1 medium pear/red apple½ medium brown onion5 cloves garlic5 cm gingger1 tsp… Continue reading Recipe: Beef Bulgogi

Daily, Resep

Recipe: Pandan Chiffon Cake

Bismillaahirrohmaanirrohiim, This is Naura’s favorite cake. At the beginning we believed that we must use the panda leaves itself. Then we realized that it is not easy to get pandan leaves here ini the UK. Alhamdulillaah we found pandan extract, and Naura was so adamant not to make it 😂 The recipe was compiled by… Continue reading Recipe: Pandan Chiffon Cake

Daily, Resep

Recipe: Mpek Mpek Palembang

Bismillaahirrohmaanirrohiim, Dari kemarin ingin bikin mpek mpek tapi malah ganti menu ke Fuyunghai Ikan. Alhamdulillaah hari ini jadi juga si mpek mpek. Resep saya dapat dari cookpad: Tati NoerH. Saya rubah sedikit karena saya ingin ikannya lebih banyak sehingga tepung terigu dan tepung tapiokanya saya kurangi jumlahnya menyesuaikan penambahan jumlah ikan. Ikan yang saya pakai… Continue reading Recipe: Mpek Mpek Palembang

Daily, Resep

Recipe: Cuko Mpek Mpek Palembang

Bismillaahirrohmaanirrohiim, Resep cuko saya dapat dari cookpad: Thia’s Dish. Karena cabe rawit saya kurangi, gak terlalu tahan pedas, cukonya jadi agak manis. Sepertinya gula harus dikurangi kalau cabe rawit dikurangi. Bahan: 500ml air500gr gula merah1 sdm ebi disangrai1 sdt gula pasir2 sdm air asam jawa10 siung bawang putih10 biji cabe rawit (sesuai selera)3 buah cabai… Continue reading Recipe: Cuko Mpek Mpek Palembang

Daily, Resep

Recipe: Fuyunghai Ikan

Bismillaahirrohmaanirrohiim, Pagi-pagi ngeluarin fillet ikan beku niatnya mau bikin mpek mpek. Menjelang siang baru inget kalo weekend jatah saya masak makan malam. Biasanya sepanjang weekday Kayla, sulung saya, yang masak makan malam 😘 Akhirnya mutusin ngolah si ikan aja dan muncullah ‘Fuyunghai’ di kepala. Menu ini adalah salah satu pilihan makan siang saat dulu saya… Continue reading Recipe: Fuyunghai Ikan

Daily, Resep

Recipe: Korean Sticky Sweet Chicken

Bismillaahirrohmaanirrohiim, Another Korean dish as a result of Korean Drama euphoria at home 😅. The dish is called Dakgangjeong. Dak means chicken, while gangjeong is a traditional Korean confectionary. It is made by deep frying sweet rice batter into crackers, coating with syrup and finally covering with puffed rice, sesame seeds, or nuts. Ingredients: 2… Continue reading Recipe: Korean Sticky Sweet Chicken

Daily, Resep

Recipe: Sourdough Korean Cream Cheese Garlic Bread

Bismillaahirrohmaanirrohiim, I got the original recipe from youtube channel: dapursicongok. As usual I changed the recipe from full white flour to half whole wheat flour. I also used honey instead of sugar and reduced the amount of it and also the amount of condensed milk. I used labneh, Turkey style cream cheese and as we… Continue reading Recipe: Sourdough Korean Cream Cheese Garlic Bread

Daily, Resep

Recipe: Fudgy Brownies

Bismillaahirrohmaanirrohiim, The original recipe is from the Tasty! Some adjustments were made to meet our supplies in the kitchen. Ingredients: 225 gr dark cooking chocolate12 tbsp butter, melted150 gr of sugar2 eggs2 tsp vanilla powder95 gr plain flour30 gr cocoa powder1 tsp of salt Steps: Preheat the oven to 180 degree Celcius. Line a baking… Continue reading Recipe: Fudgy Brownies